
September 7, 2024

Watch out for your neighbors

Neighborhood Watch is an effective and inexpensive way to help prevent crime and reduce fear. That’s why the Wake Forest Police Department is inviting neighborhoods across Wake Forest to form a Neighborhood Watch group and help enhance the sense of safety in our community.

“Our officers can’t be everywhere,” said Wake Forest Police Chief Jeff Leonard. “So, we’re encouraging our residents to serve as the extra eyes and ears in our community and take an active role in watching out for one another.”

Neighborhood Watch programs have been in place in Wake Forest for over 10 years. Currently, 41 area neighborhoods offer such a program.

According to Chief Leonard, the Neighborhood Watch concept is simple, yet effective. It also encourages residents to trust their instincts and be proactive.

“Neighborhood Watch encourages neighbors to help police by watching and listening for suspicious activity in their community,” Leonard said.

“No one recognizes what’s normal as opposed to what’s out of the ordinary better than a resident in his or her own neighborhood,” he added. “The scenario we want to avoid is officers at a crime scene being told by neighbors they saw something suspicious but didn’t report it. It should be the other way around. We urge residents to call us with their suspicions. That way, we may be able to either prevent a crime or solve it while evidence is still fresh.”

Residents can report criminal activity or suspicious behaviors by calling either 9-1-1 or the police department’s non-emergency number (919-554-6150), depending on the circumstance.

Any community resident can join and learn how to make their homes more secure, watch out for each other and the neighborhood and report activities that raise their suspicions. You may form a Neighborhood Watch group around any geographical unit: a block, apartment complex or business area.

Anyone interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch program is encouraged to contact Officer Scott Graham at 919-554-6150 or sgraham@wakeforestnc.gov. Officer Graham will schedule a general meeting in the neighborhood to review the program’s features. He will then work with the neighborhood to implement the program.

The police department plans to recognize all the town’s Neighborhood Watch communities during this year’s National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 4.

For more information, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/neighborhood-watch.aspx.

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