
September 7, 2024

Looking for candidates

Thus far there are only two announced candidates for the three seats on the Wake Forest Town Board that will be decided in November, first-term Commissioner Greg Harrington and local realtor Brian Pate.

Commissioner Zachary Donahue announced early this spring he did not intend to run for a second term. Commissioner Anne Reeve has been out of town and has not yet said whether she will try for a third term.

Are we going to have an election with three people running for three seats? In past elections some candidates waited until the last minute to file, and that may be the case here. Just so you know if you are considering a stab at elective office, the filing period begins July 6 and ends at noon on Friday, July 17.

You can even get some free help. The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a free Elected Officials Campaign Training workshop on Thursday, July 9, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the new Wake Electric customer service building at 100 South Franklin Street. Kate Haney with the Wake County Board of Elections will be the facilitator, able to tell you all the requirements for filing for town board seats ($15 filing fee), including how to put together a campaign committee and the mandatory training for your campaign treasurer.

If interested, you need to register on the chamber’s website by end of day July 2.

If you are just a Wake Forest resident and want to remain a bystander, be a responsible one and make sure you are registered to vote so you are ready if there is a contest come November.

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