
September 7, 2024

Fees waived for veteran’s home

Although the mayor and commissioners had not agreed on some issues during the June 16 town board meeting, they certainly did agree on one item, waiving the town permit fees for a new home for a veteran.

Andy Lander explained that Sgt. Kyle Snyder, a 10-year Navy veteran who went to Iraq as an MP with the North Carolina National Guard, was injured in by an IED when everyone around him was killed, will be the recipient of a new house in Austin Creek subdivision through Operation Coming Home. It will be the 11th house the group has built. Snyder will also be the speaker for the Wake Forest Purple Heart Dinner in August.

The commissioners agreed to waive $1,677.75 in permit fees, and the group will also ask Raleigh to waive $2,841 for water and sewer capital facility fee and a water meter.

Commissioner Margaret Stinnett, without specifying why, voted against a motion for Housing Inspector Larry Rochelle to proceed with external repairs to three houses which do not meet the minimum housing code. The town will then bill the owners for the costs.

Please see the June 10 Gazette for the violations and the owners.

It would see the approval of the master plan for the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department would be assured, given the amount of time and input from various sources, but no. Mayor Vivian Jones asked that two appendices, D and E, be removed. They deal with sponsorship and naming policy. “These two things are totally different than what we (the town and town board) have.” She said the department has no authority to set policies such as these, and Interim Town Manager Roe O’Donnell agreed.

Stinnett had already made a motion to approve before Jones spoke. Commissioner Greg Harrington turned to Jones with what appeared to be a question, then asked Stinnett if he could amend her motion and she said no. Harrington then asked if he could move for a substitute motion, she said yes, and his motion was to approve the plan without D and E. That motion failed when Stinnett and Commissioners Jim Thompson and Zachary Donahue voted against it. Stinnett’s motion passed with Harrington and Commissioner Anne Reeve voting no.

The board ended the evening with a closed session after which they returned to the meeting room and agreed to continue the contract for legal services with the firm of Wyrick Robbins Yates & Ponton.

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