
September 7, 2024

WF’s Cash Mob will strike again

Wake Forest’s Cash Mob – friends of downtown and assorted other town residents – has been helping merchants in the historic White Street area for over a year.

They will set out again on Saturday, Jan. 18, after meeting at 4 p.m. in front of town hall. $20 bills clutched in their hot little hands, they will walk to the selected business – unknown until that moment – and help to make that merchant a very happy man or woman. The goal is to spend at least $20 – and most of them spend more.

This is a grassroots and fun event that helps support all of the downtown area.

After the spending spree, the mob goes to one of the downtown restaurants, which will also give that business a boost.

You can like the mob on Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Downtown-Wake-Forest-CashMob/418388088256076?ref=hl and share our posts. They are also on Twitter @cmWFdowntown, and Instagram #wfcashmob.

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