
September 7, 2024

Apply now for three advisory boards

There are still vacancies on three of the Town of Wake Forest advisory boards – the Board of Adjustment, the Cemetery Board and the Planning Board.

The people applying for the Board of Adjustment or the Planning Board will be rather special; they must be residents of the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.

It is different for the Cemetery Board where there are five vacant seats. Town and ETJ residents may apply and five will be appointed.

The town’s advisory boards were established to give residents an input into what on matters that affect residents and their town government.happens in the community and to advise the town commissioners and mayor

Completed applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, and may be mailed or delivered to Town Clerk Deeda Harris, Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 South Brooks Street, NC 227587 or faxed to 919-435-9419.

Applicants for the Cemetery Board should appear before the current board members at the board’s regular meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 7 p.m. in town hall. The appointments will be announced on Tuesday, March 4.

The town commissioners will meet the candidates for the Board of Adjustment and Planning Board during its work session on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 5:30 p.m. The appointments will be made during the monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

For information and applications, visit town hall or go to the town’s website at www.wakeforestnc.gov/government-advisoryboards.aspx. You can also call Town Clerk Deeda Harris at 919-435-9413 or dharris@wakeforestnc.gov.

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