
September 7, 2024

Town honored for tree care

Wake Forest Power has been named a “Tree Line USA” utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation. The award acknowledges Wake Forest Power’s national leadership in caring for the health of trees while removing branches and limbs that grow too to close to its power lines.

“Our utility’s efforts in meeting Tree Line USA requirements – training our workers in quality tree-care practices and helping our customers plant appropriate trees near utility lines – not only helps to enhance our urban forest, but also results in long-term operation savings,” said Wake Forest Mayor Vivian Jones.

The Tree Line USA award was presented formally to Wake Forest Power during Saturday’s Annual Arbor Day Celebration at E. Carroll Joyner Park.

Wake Forest Power conducts an extensive year-round line-clearing program safely trimming trees and clearing brush from more than 70 miles of distribution lines and keeping vegetation-free the bases of nearly 1,400 distribution poles. Tree trimming is an integral part of complying with state and federal laws and providing increased service reliability to customers.

For more information about Wake Forest Power, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/wake-forest-power.aspx.



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