
September 7, 2024

Meet Thursday for Relay for Life

Attend a pizza party and join the fight against cancer Thursday at The Factory in Wake Forest.

Support is needed for the American Cancer Society’s annual Relay For Life. The next meeting for volunteers is Thursday, March 26, at 6:30 p.m. upstairs in the Mill Room at The Factory, 1839 S. Main St. Dinner will be provided.

Relay For Life is a community-based effort with teams and individuals raising funds by selling luminaries in honor of those battling cancer or in memory of loved ones lost to cancer. Donations support the American Cancer Society’s mission to finish the fight against cancer.

“Relay For Life is all about your community uniting to support cancer survivors and finally find a cure for cancer,” said Relay co-chair Marty Coward. “We rely on the support of volunteers to help plan this year’s Relay at Heritage High.”

To find out more, go online to www.RelayForLife.org/NorthernWakeNC, email martycoward@nc.rr.com or call 919-760-3520.

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