
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

Wondering about Sam’s Club? Several readers are, and they will be glad to hear that the project is proceeding.

“The construction plans were approved last week.  We do not know the applicant’s time table for construction,” Senior Planner Charlie Yokley said Tuesday.

The Gazette has sent requests for more information about the construction timetable – remember, large-scale changes to Capital Boulevard and two intersections were part of the approved plan – and when there will be visible work. We will keep you updated.

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The Wake Forest Town Board continues its quest for a new town manager. On Tuesday the commissioners and mayor met for the second round of reviewing applications and on Friday, April 20, they will meet about noon in the offices of law firm Wyrick Robbins in Raleigh to review the assessment center results.

The meetings are closed sessions because they are discussing personnel.

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Colds? Flu? Had a rough winter and accumulated over-the-counter and prescription medicines?

If you want to dispose of them in a safe and environmentally friendly way, remember that the Wake Forest Police Department now has a drug collection unit, a drop-off box, in the lobby of the Brooks Street Substation at 221 Brooks Street, the original town hall next to Centennial Plaza.

You can drop off unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Items that will be accepted include prescription pills or patches, ointments, vitamins and over-the-counter medications. Items not accepted include liquids of any kind, aerosol cans, inhalers, needles and thermometers.

The police department received the free drop-off unit through a grant from CVS/pharmacy’s Medication Disposal for Safer Communities Program. CVS/pharmacy teamed up with The Partnership at Drugfree.org to donate up to 1,000 drug collection units to law enforcement agencies nationwide. The Wake Forest Police Department completed the grant application in June, was approved a short time later and received the unit in late November.

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The 2015 Upper Neuse River Paddle and Cleanup will be held Saturday, April 18, with only one site for paddlers and walking volunteers, the access point on Old Falls of the Neuse at the river just below the dam. Paddlers are asked to arrive at 8 a.m., walkers at 10 a.m.

You can also have your own site and report the number of bags of trash you collect.

Paddlers will go from the access point to Capital Boulevard. The walkers will go from the dam to the greenway. There will be boards for people to use but you are asked to bring your own boat if you can.

Go to http://goo.gl/forms/LVgOYo3vSL for further information.

The cleanup is sponsored by the Neuse River Association, which always publicizes the most unusual items found in the cleanup as well as the total trash haul.

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