
September 7, 2024

Residents question Ligon Mill extension

During a required neighborhood meeting last June, the current residents of Reynolds Mill subdivision on South Main Street had a lot of questions about the extension of Ligon Mill Road on the western edge of the proposed extension of the subdivision.

When the subdivision was first approved in 2005, one of the conditions was that Ligon Mill Road would be would be extended to the N.C. 98 Bypass (the Dr. Calvin Jones Highway) before the first 75 houses were built in later phases.

Conditions have changed, developer Parker & Orleans says in its request for approval of the master plan for phase 3 of the subdivision on 19.68 acres (owned by Orleans Home Builders) for 69 single-family lots. Since 2005 Ligon Mill Road has been extended from a dead end just west of South Main Street to Caveness Farm Avenue to accommodate another development. The road now ends at the southwestern corner of the land for Phase 3.

Parker & Orleans are asking that rather than extending the new road to the bypass they be allowed to extend it along the full western edge of the subdivision. They will be responsible for dedicating and building half of what will be a four-lane major street. The future developer of the adjacent property, now owned by the Forbes Family Trust, will be responsible for building the other half though the Forbes family must dedicate the land.

The land between Reynolds Mill and the bypass is also still owned by the Forbes Family Trust.

Parker & Orleans are asking to build only their portion of the road next to phase 3 because it will give the needed second access and exit for the residents and emergency vehicles. The current access and exit are through Forbes Road, which connects to South Main. Ligon Mill Road also connects to South Main but Caveness Farm Avenue connects to Capital Boulevard (U.S. 1).

The request for the master plan approval will be heard Tuesday, March 3, by the Wake Forest Planning and Town boards during a joint public hearing that will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Wake Forest Town Hall. It will be an evidentiary quasi-judicial hearing with sworn testimony.

The request is the only item on the agenda for that night. The planning board will consider the request and vote on a recommendation to the town board.

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