
September 7, 2024

Chamber membership drive underway

Around the country, membership in chambers of commerce is dwindling; but things in Wake Forest are actually on the rise. The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce is about to host an exciting Membership Campaign—“Building Wake Forest.”

“Our goal is to bring in 100 new members to the Chamber in just three days,” said Marla Akridge, president of the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce. “We are the voice for business in the Wake Forest community, and we want our voice to be louder tomorrow than it was yesterday.”

Akridge has plenty of help lined up. Along with more than 150 volunteers, Membership180, a Membership Development company from Greenville, SC (www.Membership180.com), has been enlisted to bring their experience in recruiting, engaging and retaining new members to Wake Forest.

“The Chamber has done an incredible job of lining up volunteers to help us with this process,” said Jay Handler, co-founder of Membership180. “With their leadership, we will easily surpass the goals they’ve established, and create a greater community awareness of the important role the Chamber plays here in Wake Forest.”

The campaign is scheduled for February 18-20, 2015. The Membership180 team has been working with the Chamber staff, the Board of Directors and dozens of volunteers to prepare them for the hard work ahead.

“We’re ready!” said Akridge. “This is an exciting time for our community and I know we’re ALL up to the challenge!”

For more information on how you can get involved in the campaign and help support the growth of business in and around Wake Forest, call (919) 556-1519.



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