
New on-call van service replaces buses

Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 1, the Town of Wake Forest will introduce a town-wide microtransit pilot program called “Go Wake Forest.”

Microtransit is a ridesharing transit service that operates similarly to Uber and Lyft, connecting riders directly to destinations from their doorstep.

Riders will be able to schedule rides through the official Go Wake Forest smartphone app, scheduled for release in late September 2024, and by calling a hotline number which will coincide with the app release.

Additional details, including operating schedules and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, will be posted on the Town website prior to launch.

During the pilot phase of the new microtransit service, Town officials will work to resolve any issues through rigorous testing and rider feedback. To offset any potential inconveniences, Wake Forest will offer the service to riders at no cost.

In addition, the Town will provide an online feedback form, which will allow users to offer valuable input on how the new service can be improved.

“Our ultimate goal is to provide safe, reliable, and affordable transit to our residents, and rider input is essential for this to occur,” said Long Range Planning Manager Brad West.

Please note: The current Wake Forest Loop (WFL) Bus Service, operated by GoRaleigh, will be suspended during the new microtransit pilot program. A service suspension notice is being coordinated with GoRaleigh and will include posted notices at Wake Forest Loop (WFL A & B) bus stops encouraging riders to utilize the new microtransit service.

 Service for the WRX Express route from Downtown Wake Forest to Triangle Town Center and Downtown Raleigh bus terminal will continue to operate with current service hours.

 For more information, email Long Range Planning Manager Brad West at bwest@wakeforestnc.gov.

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5 Responses

  1. Lots of holes in this:
    1. Who is contracted?
    2. How do you maintain routes?
    3. How quick is pick-up?

    Another quick “fix” from the town that will NEVER work in real time. This keeps no cars off the road, alleviates NO traffic, etc. TRY AGAIN.

  2. “…local losers…”
    Right up there with ‘s…hole countries’ and ‘childless cat ladies’.
    WOW! How far we still have to go!

  3. This was part of my mayoral campaign platform fifteen years ago. I’ve tried using this spotty inconsistent service multiple times now, never with good results. Only took a decade and a half to mgmt realize what a boondoggle the bus loop program is.

  4. Ask the mayor how much money was already flushed down the toilet for her free bus service that ran around all day empty. This is just another colossal waste of taxpayer money. Feel good solutions are so easy when someone else pays the bill. Maybe someone can explain to me why taxpayers are expected to pay for door-to-door transit services for the local losers.

    1. “I am fortunate enough not to need [insert public service here], so let me demonize and insult the people who rely on it”

      Carol Rense, those “local losers” are you neighbors, fellow citizens, real people. I’m thankful we have local government that is trying to find solutions for ALL its citizens. Some people don’t have cars, some people can’t drive. Young and old, students and workers, people with disabilities or not. Nothing is stopping you from utilizing the services provided by our town either. It will be nice when we return to a society that has compassion and empathy, looking out for our neighbors who may be in different situations than ourselves.

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