
September 7, 2024

Comedy Night will return in February

You have loved it and laughed yourself silly for four years. You can do it again on Saturday, Feb. 28, when the Wake Forest Rotary Club and the Wake Forest High School Band Boosters join forces for an evening of laughter, music, food and fun.

They do need sponsors and hope local businesses and individuals will again help make this event a special one. The levels of sponsorship range from platinum with a donation of $1,500 to bronze with a $350 donation. You can contact John Wooten for more information and to secure your sponsorship: jw3@greenwooten.com. Sponsors will be mentioned prominently in ads for the event.

WRAL’s Greg Fishel will return as the emcee and two talented comedians will entertain; the Wake Forest High School Jazz Band will provide the music; local restaurants are donating hors d’oeuvre; and there will be a cash bar.

Also see www.wakeforestcomedynight.com.

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