
Club sponsors Scholarship Poinsettia Fundraiser

The Wake Forest Woman’s Club is sponsoring its third Scholarship Poinsettia

Fundraiser during the month of October. Proceeds will support a Continuing Education Scholarship awarded to a graduating Wake Forest area student.

The beautiful red poinsettias with red foil container covers are locally grown by Homewood Nursery and will be available for pickup in Wake Forest on November 30 from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Wake Forest Baptist Church Sanctuary, 10 E South Avenue.

Only preordered plants will be available at pickup. No sales that day.

The plants are 6 1/2” pots, 16-20” tall with six to eight blooms per plant and are offered for sale at $17.50 each.

For more information about the club and to order and pay for your poinsettia, please visit www.wake-Forest-womans-club.com.


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One Response

  1. Thank you to the Gazette for getting the word out about the WFWC Scholarship Fundraiser. We appreciate your support.

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