
September 7, 2024

Market begins winter hours Saturday

The Piedmont’s extended Indian summer has bewitched us into thinking the fine warm weather will continue, but the farmers at the Wake Forest Farmers Market know Mother Nature is about to revert to normal with cold crisp days and freezing nights.

They and all the vendors at the market will begin the market’s winter hours this Saturday, Nov. 1, which are from 10 a.m. to noon. You can get a lot of shopping done in two hours, and this way there will be better chances to see your friends and neighbors who also shop at the market. Winter hours extend through March.

Guitarist Kyle Scobie will provide the music Saturday. Remember the market does not pay the musicians, so leave a few dollars in the tip jar.

A new vendor, Chris Farmer, will display and sell his pottery.

Parents will want to stock up on nourishing healthy foods to counteract the sugar overload Halloween always brings. Vendors have lots of winter greens and fall squashes, bok choy, chard, spinach, sweet potatoes and black-eyed peas, radishes and mushrooms.

Other vendors offer all kinds of meat processed and packaged in a variety of ways. Look for rabbit and goat, pork, beef, chicken and lamb. Remember now is the time to order your Thanksgiving turkey.

There are eggs for sale, some even marked with the date they were laid, baked goods both sweet and gluten-free, all the items you will need to decorate your home for the fall and Thanksgiving – corn stalks, hay bales, potted mums, and gourds – along with house plants, handmade jewelry, soaps, lotions, honey, hand-knit hats, scarves and gloves, and fresh-cut flowers and dried flower wreaths.

Everyone can get freshly-made farmers market food at another new vendor, the Cockadoodle Moo Food Truck which is parked at one side of the Renaissance Plaza on Brooks Street, the market’s new home.

See the market on Facebook, take a look at all the vendors and their wares as well as special events at www.wakeforestfarmersmarket.org or call 919-671-9269 if you need information.

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