Ting gives $7,000 for public art at the Renaissance Centre

TING Internet has awarded $7,000 to the Wake Forest Public Art Commission to be used for a sculpture commemorating the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre’s tenth anniversary.
The piece of art will be unveiled during the PAC’s Celebration of Arts at the Renaissance Centre on Saturday, Oct. 7. Free and open to the public, this family-friendly event will include food, music, and a variety of arts activities for children of all ages.
Earlier this year, the PAC issued a “Call for Artists” for a permanent public art installation inside the Renaissance Centre lobby. Artists were encouraged to use the Renaissance Centre’s 10-year anniversary logo as inspiration.
An Artist Selection Committee comprised of members of the Wake Forest PAC, Renaissance Centre staff, and other relevant parties will jury all submissions and select the winning artist.
For more information, contact Renaissance Centre Specialist Debra Horton at dhorton@wakeforestnc.gov.
