Happy New Year


To all the Gazette readers,

I am happy to say that I am resuming the publication of the Wake Forest Gazette after a six-month pause because of numb fingers on my right hand after shoulder surgery.

Thank-you to all who inquired about my recovery and the fate of the Gazette. I appreciated every one, including the cop who called to my husband when he was working in the yard: “How’s Carol’s hand?”

Now I need to get to work to try to live up to your expectations of a weekly local newspaper.




23 Responses

  1. Carol, “Thank goodness”, “finally”, “at last”, and hopefully you are well enough to be bringing us all the important news in Wake Forest.

  2. Sooo glad you are mending and back to this special page!!!! Kent Rogers did a great job on his Wake Forest history page. Going to a program at the Wake Forest in town library. It is Jan18,2023. History of Wake Forest and Raleigh area. Hugs, you were so missed. Waved get well when driving by your house. Joanne

  3. So glad to have you publishing the news of Wake Forest again , Carol. The Lyon’s have missed your clear but brief reporting

  4. Reading the Gazette is the best holiday gift that I received. I am so glad that your fingers and shoulder are better (though I’d like to think completely well). I know that everyone in Wake Forest has missed hearing from you so much. You have made this an even happier New Year!!!!

  5. What a joy it was to see your email in my in-box. So happy you are feeling well enough to bring us news from around our town, and info on your interesting heritage.

  6. Welcome back!!! We missed the Gazette and knowing what was going on in our rapidly growing Wake Forest. Thank you!

  7. Delighted that you are back. The Gazette has been much missed for the last six months. Happy New Year!

  8. Check is in the mail!!
    This is wonderful news. Local journalism is needed now as much as ever.