
September 7, 2024

Need a job? Check this out

Wake Technical Community College has a department that offers job skills training classes designed for job seekers. These classes are tuition-waived for individuals who are currently unemployed, under-employed (which can include part-time workers or low-wage earners) or facing a layoff.

Individuals who are stay-at-home spouses looking to enter or re-enter the workforce and seniors looking to supplement their fixed income may also qualify for the waiver.

The classes include categories in:  Job Search Strategies, Job Search Technology, Career Planning and Assessment, Career Readiness/Exploration, Financial Literacy and the NC Career Readiness Certificate.

Wake Tech is currently offering classes in Wake Forest at the Northern Regional Center.

A full list of classes may be found at www.hrd.waketech.edu.

For information about HRD, please click on the links below:

HRD Courses:  www.hrd.waketech.edu

Career Readiness Certificate preparation: www.crc.waketech.edu

WorkKeys/CRC Test:   www.crctest.waketech.edu

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