Redo Capital Blvd. plans, board says

Tuesday evening the Wake Forest Town Board reviewed the Capital Boulevard Plan the North Carolina Department of Transportation unveiled to the board and the residents of Wake Forest during a virtual meeting on Dec. 9.

They gave it a thumbs-down of disapproval.

“We are not happy,” Mayor Vivian Jones said. “We are not pleased.” That displeasure was reflected in the 22 points the town wants addressed and changed in the resolution the board approved unanimously. (The entire resolution and its 22 points of disagreement with DOT are at the end of this article.)

Three of the four segments in which the plan will be built affect Wake Forest. Some of the key points of disagreement are:

*The current plan for the interchange at Burlington Mills will take almost all of the Crossroads Ford property. Crossroad Ford is a major property tax component in the town finances. The alternative offered by DOT would destroy the affordable homes on Circle Drive. That leaves the town commissioners in “an untenable position” regarding two distasteful options.

Town Manager Kip Padgett pointed out that DOT took pains to avoid disturbing economic properties at the Durant Road/Perry Creek Road intersection so only a Dunkin’ Donuts will be affected.

Padgett also pointed out that the final segment is not due to be completed until 15 years from now, meaning a 30-year-old plan is being used for the major transportation artery that serves Wake Forest. Another of Padgett’s points was that potential developers who have looked at property along Capital have been discouraged because DOT could not tell them where the service roads would be or when the plan would be complete.

*The current plan does not provide for either of the two service roads to have a bridge over the Neuse River to connect with other service roads south of the river.

*The current plan calls for a flyover at Stadium Drive/Jenkins Road instead of the full interchange at other major intersections. The recently completed Northeast Area Plan called for a hotspot study there in light of the growing traffic.

*The plan should include a Ligon Mill extension study area because it is the primary north/south service road in Wake Forest on the east side of US-1.

Jennifer Currin, the assistant planning director in charge of long-range planning, presented a PowerPoint which showed that the planning for an improvement to Capital Boulevard began in 2006 with a traffic study at the time Wake Forest had 24,970 residents. Current population was last estimated early in 2021 and was 50,244. Padgett noted the town now grows by 2,000 residents each year.

There was another study in 2012 and the two studies were updated in 2014. Planning and design went forward with information and maps about the interchanges released in October 2018 with public meetings about the maps held in Raleigh and Wake Forest soon after. But the project was suspended in 2019, temporarily lifted in 2020, then reinstated and finally restarted on Dec. 1, 2020.

Only the first three phases of the project are funded at about $750 million with the fourth perhaps having to compete with other projects for funding. That could leave Capital north of the NC 98 Bypass untouched, as Commissioner Nick Sliwiniski noted.

After the PowerPoint, the commissioners decided to ask for another month of comments which at this point are due Jan. 7 and then began discussing what their comments would entail in terms of further delays.

We are between a rock and a hard place, Commissioner Chad Sary said, in a no-win situation with an increasing need every year but a need to have the project meet the needs of Wake Forest now and for years in the future, having inadequate roads as soon as they are built. “These delays are better than doing it all wrong,” Commissioner Jim Dyer said, and other commissioners concurred.

Currin said she could not answer whether DOT will address all 22 of the town’s objections or even any and she could not say how long any changes in the plan might take. CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization) will also submit comments.

Commissioners and the mayor then noted it could take 15 years to complete the project which has been in the works for at least 15.

Some of the comments started with “When the mayor and I went to Raleigh to talk with DOT . . .” because she, Padgett and commissioners past and present have asked repeatedly for better treatment of Wake Forest based on the preliminary plans.

The access to the current plan is at ( At the DOT site choose NC DOT Engagement Hub and scroll down to find Capital Boulevard.




WHEREAS, the Town of Wake Forest (“Town”) is committed to preserving the quality of life for all those living in the Town by ensuring an adequate transportation network is provided; and

WHEREAS, US-1 (Capital Boulevard) is the major north/south arterial in the Town of Wake Forest providing local, regional, and state access via connections to I-540, I-440 and I-85; and

WHEREAS, US-1 has 2020 average daily traffic (ADT) volumes of almost 60,000, and it is anticipated that ADT in 2040 will be approaching 110,000 trips through Wake Forest; and

WHEREAS, to address safety and increasing traffic on US-1, the US-1 Corridor Study was originally completed in 2006 in a joint effort between NCDOT, CAMPO, City of Raleigh, Town of Wake Forest, Town of Youngsville, Wake County, Franklin County, Triangle Transit (now GoRaleigh) and the Kerr-Tarr RPO; and

WHEREAS, the project purpose of the 2006 US-1 Corridor Study was to develop “…an integrated multimodal transportation plan that provides for a high level of mobility along the US 1 Corridor while maintaining a high quality environment for the surrounding communities by providing for well-planned and sustainable growth along this corridor”; and

WHEREAS, to address increasing traffic and safety concerns, NCDOT is proposing to convert US- 1 to a controlled access freeway by removing direct driveway connections and providing access via interchanges; and

WHEREAS, this project is referenced by the NCDOT STIP project number U-5307; and

HEREAS, in June 2018, the US 1 (Capital Boulevard) Freeway Upgrade Concurrence Point 1 Final Document for STIP Project U-5307 was provided; and

WHEREAS, Section 4 of the Concurrence Point 1 document noted the overall need of the project is to relieve traffic congestion, improve travel times and reduce or eliminate crashes; and

WHEREAS, Section 5 of the Concurrence Point 1 document stated the overall purpose of the project is to improve traffic congestion and travel times; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Wake Forest supports U-5307 and the rationale for the improvements to US-1; and

WHEREAS, NCDOT’s proposed U-5307: US-1 (Capital Boulevard) project will have a significant impact on the Town of Wake Forest’s transportation network and landowners; and

WHEREAS, due to the Town’s proximity along US-1, the properties along US-1 are vital to the Town’s economic development success; and

WHEREAS, the Town finds that proposed U-5307: US-1 (Capital Boulevard) November 2021 public meeting maps are well intentioned but fall short at providing an adequate transportation   network in Wake Forest and ensuring the project allows for successful economic development opportunities along the corridor; and

WHEREAS, the Town has coordinated with NCDOT to ensure the quality of life of Wake Forest citizens, businesses and landowners are minimized to the greatest extent possible; and

WHEREAS, based on the Town concerns raised at the coordination meetings, NCDOT addressed some of the Town of Wake Forest staff comments, such as including multi-use paths where appropriate and some additional service road segments; and

WHEREAS, NCDOT has not addressed all the Town’s outstanding comments related to U-5307; and

WHEREAS, this project is likely to have many unintended consequences for municipalities and counties in North Carolina, to established neighborhoods, thriving commercial uses, and future proposed developments and the Town of Wake Forest needs to protect the interests of these parties as much as possible; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Wake Forest believes that, unless the following comments are incorporated into STIP U-5307: US-1 (Capital Boulevard), the project will not meet the stated purpose and need included in the Concurrence Point 1 document:

  1. Review the modeling performed for U-5307 to ensure it is updated using the current Triangle Regional Model (TRM) as the TAZs have been updated and are more reflective of realistic development patterns projected to occur in Wake Forest.
  2. Provide the service road over the Neuse River connecting Y12A in Raleigh to Y12A in Wake Forest providing regional vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and contributes to the reduced travel times on US-1.
  3. Provide 16’ wide outside shoulders on US-1 for transit and emergency service
  4. Include Ligon Mill Road and the Ligon Mill Road extension in the study area as it is serving as primary north/south service road in Wake Forest on the east side of US-1.
  5. Extend Y25B to Purnell Road.
  6. Provide an interchange instead of a grade separated crossing at Stadium and US-1.
  7. Revise the U-5307 Project Segments, specifically Segments C and D, to align with the descriptions in the STIP, November 2018 public meeting maps and
  8. Provide a 5’ sidewalk on both sides of
  9. Pedestrian infrastructure is a crucial component of this project. Therefore, NCDOT needs to ensure appropriate pedestrian refuges and/or pedestrian signals are being provided at and/or on the proposed ramps and
  10. Provide a traffic signal at the intersection of Wake Drive and S. Main Street to ensure left turning movements may be made residential and commercial activity on Star
  11. Ensure any radius improvements are made to accommodate a traffic signal at Wake Drive and Main Street.
  12. Provide a 10’ multi-use path on both sides of Durham Road (Y6).
  13. Ensure the Y24B T-intersection at Agora Drive can accommodate the ultimate 4-lane median divided cross section identified in the Town of Wake Forest Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP).
  14. Continue the sidewalk on Jenkins Road (Y7).
  15. Provide outstanding portions of Y25A and Y25B not shown on public meeting maps for review and
  16. Include sidewalk on Country Club Drive (Y25B-1).
  17. Revise the sidewalk to a multi-use path at the intersection of Y7 and
  18. Provide sidewalk on both sides of Templeridge Road (Y26B-1).
  19. Eliminate the easements on the cemetery property (PIN 1831842795) in the Wake Forest Crossing Shopping
  20. Include 5’ sidewalks on both sides of Y28 in Option 1 to connect to existing
  21. Provide 5’ sidewalks on both sides of Y28 in Option
  22. Show 5’ sidewalks on both sides of DR2 at Wallridge Road to connect to existing infrastructure in Option

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Wake Forest provide these comments to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for inclusion in the U-5307 design to ensure the project need and purpose are met and severe harm to the Town of Wake Forest is reduced to the greatest extent possible.

The vote was unanimous.



5 Responses

  1. Great post. As a new resident of WF, I applaud the effort to highlight and inform us of the current state of this project. Coming from a place where we had an extremely efficient DOT, it disturbs me to see that this is something we might not see come to fruition until my kids are in (or even out of) high school.

  2. What an absolute joke. Everything about this. The fact that this is now 30 years away, which means in government speak it will be 80 years from now. 100 years after it was needed.

    An example of how inefficient and ineffective government is – local and state, as well as their coordination. All of these points should have been incorporated into the plan development over the last 15 years, not after it’s already done and you know no major changes are going to be made at this point.

    Another TOTAL waste of time, money, breath.

  3. See now that’s advocating for citizens of WF! Now if y’all could just hit pause on all the residential development that would be great!

  4. Is this a typo? Can I Put it up on ‘The Google’ to get your endeavors exposed?
    Local journalism needs to be recognized whenever, and for whatever reason!
    Thanks for your dedication to getting ‘news’ into our community!

    WHEREAS, the Town has coordinated with NCDOT to ensure the quality of life of Wake Forest citizens, businesses and landowners are minimized to the greatest extent possible; and

    1. To MW, I took this from the Wake Forest Town Board agenda and did not feel it was necessary to edit the resolution. I will take this up with the town.
      Carol Pelosi