
September 7, 2024

Miller Park closed until Feb. 7

H.L. Miller Park behind the Wake Forest Town Hall will be closed through Friday, Feb. 7, so crews can stabilize the banks of the unnamed stream that runs through the park. The park has entrances on both Elm Avenue and Franklin Street

The town opted to initiate the project after an inspection revealed minor stream stabilization is needed to reduce erosion and increase the safety of park visitors.

 Over the next several days, crews will grade the slopes in several locations to stabilize the banks and ensure safer access. Eagle Scout candidates Yousef Abdel-Rahman and Abdulla Mohamed Hida will complete the stabilization project by replanting the banks with live stakes and container plants and installing new bird houses and outdoor educational components.

 Construction equipment and vehicles will be onsite, so visitors are urged to avoid the area until the project is completed.

 Signs will be posted at the park entrances notifying visitors of the temporary closure. The public’s patience and cooperation is appreciated.

For more information, contact Assistant Town Engineer, Holly Miller at hmiller@wakeforestnc.gov.

 For more information about H. L. Miller Mark, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/miller-park.aspx. For a complete listing of town parks and facilities, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/residents-parksrecreation_facilities.aspx.

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