Food need remains high, Tri-Area says

Food insecurity remains high. In March, we fed 1,104 families (2,341 individuals). Thanks as always to our team of dedicated volunteers. We can only do what we do because of your selfless hard work.
Donations have gradually declined since December (as they always do after the holidays). Many communities, businesses and individuals have set up food drives, which will bolster our inventory heading into the summer. If you’re interested in organizing a food drive, email us and we will send a packet of information to you with some tips and tricks.
You may wonder where the food which we distribute comes from. Our largest source of food is you – the community. More than 50% of the food that we distribute is donated from our friends and neighbors, one grocery bag at a time. We are a distribution partner of the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. The Food Bank provides a weekly allocation of non-perishables and fresh food, which accounts for 25% of what we distribute.
To ensure that we have plenty of fresh and nutritious fresh food, we purchase eggs, milk, butter, bread, meat and vegetables. These purchases are your monetary donations at work. Once a month, every family receives a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, a pound of butter, 6 eggs and 5-10 pounds of fruit and veggies in addition to non-perishables. As the summer growing season approaches, we look forward to the bounty of donations from our local community gardens, to reduce the need to purchase.
We ask that you assist us in fulfilling our mission to nourish the food insecure. There are several options. Monetary donations are accepted via credit card on our website. Food donations are accepted at our location at 149 E Holding Avenue and at many drop off locations in the Wake Forest Area. We also have an Amazon Wishlist, where you are able to order needed items and they are delivered directly to us.
On behalf of our Board of Directors and all of those we serve, thank you for your strong support!  #StopHungerFeedHope

Michael Burger

