News from the chamber

No Meet in the Street again this year – we do hope it will be revived in 2022 – but the chamber has found a way to provide pleasure or interest on May 1 with a trio of events at Flaherty Park at 1226 North White Street. All three will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

One is the Young Entrepreneurs Fair, the second is a pickleball tournament and the third is an outdoor business expo. Go to the chamber’s website for full details of all three, including how to participate.

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The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce will host a new monthly event this spring, April through September, in the courtyard in front of the chamber office. Right now they are looking for hosts for After Hours, Outdoor Networking @ the Chamber. Hosts will pay $250 and provide light refreshments for about 50 people – maybe more as restrictions loosen – and be mentioned in all ads and releases about the event as well as being able to speak for five minutes during the event.

The first After Hours event will be at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 15, presented by Cardinal Points Imaging of the Carolinas. See you all there!

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The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce’s spring golf tournament presented by Atlantic Tire & Service will be held on April 19. It is a captain’s choice tournament that will include a 50/50 raffle presented by Capital Chevrolet and the putting for proof contest where the sponsorship is still open – sponsor it today.

Registration is open but spots are limited. Hurry and put together your foursome, complete your registration form and submit it to Carol Fekaris. It costs $100 for each chamber member and $125 for each non-member. Tee times begin at 9 a.m. and are staggered, so sign up early to get the best tee time.

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The chamber will sponsor a pickleball tournament at Flaherty Park on May 1 where there will be games, an outdoor expo and a Young Entrepreneurs Fair where local youth 9-14 can sell their handmade items. For a booth or a sponsorship, call the chamber for details.

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Don Stroud with Hartsfield & Nash Insurance Agency is now officially on the Hall of Fame monument in front of the chamber office. He was formally recognized during one of last week’s Member Appreciation Events. He was named a chamber Hall of Fame recipient last year, but because of Covid-19 he was unable to be formally recognized until now.

