
September 7, 2024

Brief Bits

The heavy equipment and raw dirt next to the Wake Forest U.S. Post Office does not signal an addition to the building. Postmaster John Thompson said, “We are expanding our parking lot.”

The three identical mail blue drop boxes were moved to the end of the existing parking lot before the construction began and reduced to two. Thompson said they will remain where they are when the parking lot expansion is complete.

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“It is far better to have people wonder why you were NOT recognized for something than to have them wonder why you were.” Hildreth Barnes

This popped up during a search for something else. Some very wise words from a beloved teacher.

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Late this Wednesday, Aug. 27, about 4 p.m., Town Manager Mark Williams, Police Chief Jeff Leonard, Deputy Town Manager Roe O’Donnell, Human Resources Director Virginia Jones and about 20 other town employees and policemen will be doused – their part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

On Tuesday Apex Town Manager Bruce Radford urged Wake Forest town staff and all Wake County municipal and county employees to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Earlier in the day, local Home Depot officials extended the same challenge to Wake Forest police and fire personnel. Today’s event is designed to answer those challenges – all at once.

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Four years after town staff and officials moved into the new Wake Forest Town Hall on South Brooks Street the current CenturyLink telephone book for Wake Forest/North Raleigh/Louisburg has the old 556 and 554 exchange numbers instead of the new 435 exchange and numbers.

This week Communications & Public Affairs Director Bill Crabtree said, “IT Director Tom LaBarge is working with them on getting the numbers updated.”

After years in which people called the Gazette and town offices searching for the telephone number for the Wake Forest Post Office, the CenturyLink telephone book finally included the number a couple years ago.

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Another marker for the end of summer. The Holding Park Pool closed at 7 p.m. last Sunday, Aug. 24. Do we need another public pool in town? How about a full aquatics center with at least two indoor pools and other features, maybe even a community center? It sounds like the kind of project that could get some funding from the county’s hotel tax.


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