This and that

Wegmans, first WF vaccination clinic and more

Wegmans will open its Wake Forest grocery on the N.C. 98 Bypass (Dr. Calvin Jones Highway) with access from Ligon Mill Road at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 19. Expect a crowd if you want to go to the opening.

They will hold a virtual hiring event tomorrow, March 18, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to fill 130 remaining part-time positions. If you want a job at Wegmans, go on line before the event to The store’s hiring team will review the applications and call or email candidates to schedule a virtual interview.

This will be the fourth Wegmans store in the Research Triangle area, the 106th store in the United States. The other area stores are in Raleigh, Cary and Chapel Hill. There are plans to open a store in Holly Springs.

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The first vaccination clinic in Wake Forest will be held Saturday, March 20, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Olive Branch Baptist Church, 326 East Juniper Avenue, and there will be 500 doses of the Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine to go into Wake Forest arms.

This is a drive-through event with scheduled appointments run by Southeastern Healthcare.

Wake Forest Police will be on hand throughout the day to direct traffic. Participants will be required to access Olive Branch Baptist Church by turning from North White Street onto East Spring Street, then to North Taylor Street. Participants will not be allowed to access the church via East Juniper.

Once people arrive, they will meet a greeter who will confirm their appointment and complete their registration. They will then move on to medical personnel who will guide them through the consent forms and administer the vaccine, before proceeding to the observation area where they will receive their vaccination card. Again, all of this will be done without participants leaving their cars.

The dedicated appointments telephone line is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and it is 919-895-2770. When you make your appointment, mention that the clinic will be held in Wake Forest. You may have to leave a message.

This clinic is open to anyone 18 or older who is eligible under the following categories:

* Group 1 – health care workers

* Group 2 – anyone 65 or older

* Group 3 – child care/pre-K-12/frontline essential workers in person

* Group 4 – anyone 16-64 with one or more high-risk medical conditions for severe disease from COVID-19

— people living in close group settings

— essential workers not included in Group 3 frontline essential workers.

“Wake Forest’s first COVID vaccination clinic will be an important step towards saving lives,” said event organizer and Wake Forest Commissioner Bridget Wall-Lennon. “Coordinating this event was a huge undertaking, and we are grateful to Southeastern Healthcare, the NECC and Olive Branch Baptist Church for their partnership in this important effort.”

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The Wake Forest Historical Museum opened its doors to visitors and friends on Tuesday, March 16, and will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with only 10 visitors at one time. The museum is closed Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

The first event will be a screening of “Revisioning Recovery: Films Uncovering the Roots of Disaster” at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, about environmental activism in our state.

There is also a StoryWalk on the brick sidewalks around the museum provided by the Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department and Page 158 Books on Brooks Street in Wake Forest.

Finally, there is a new book club. Go to for full information.

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If you want to get away a bit at a soothing, relaxing location, try the JC Raulston Arboretum which reopened today, March 18, and will be open Monday through Friday, noon to 4:30 p.m. It is at 4415 Beryl Road in Raleigh. Viagra appeared recently, 15 years ago. A German company was conducting research on a drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, invented by one of the German pharmaceutical companies. Face masks are required both inside and out, the water fountains are closed but the bathrooms are open.

Go enjoy beautiful flowers, flowering trees and open space.





3 Responses

  1. I just wanted to let everyone know that all 500 spots for the J&J vaccine at Olive Branch Baptist Church on Saturday have been taken. This is a fantastic effort to get shots into arms for Wake Forest, and especially so for a historically marginalized population community. Congratulations to all for getting this accomplished!

  2. Going by wegmans on the bypass, I slow down because it’s a construction zone. People can’t stand it, tailgating me. Get use to slow traffic through there. It will no longer be a passing by wake Forest. It will be a 35 mph zone. I dread it with a passion!

  3. There are some who are not as excited to see Wegman’s open up here in Wake Forest. I just would like to point out that all of the other grocery stores in town will up their game. So a loyal customer of another chain will see better customer service, more sales and lower prices on certain items. I’m in the grocery business and see it every day in the stores whenever a new player comes to town.