‘Show some love: KeepWFClean’

The Town of Wake Forest is launching a comprehensive anti-littering campaign aimed at eliminating unsightly trash along roadways, in neighborhoods and in other parts of our community.

Entitled “Show Some Love, #KeepWFclean,” the initiative will focus on education, awareness and enforcement, while encouraging residents, businesses, neighborhoods and community organizations to take action to ensure that litter finds its rightful place. The campaign will emphasize the message that litter is not only ugly, it is also a costly problem that can be only be addressed with behavioral changes at the community and individual levels.

“We have all noticed the significant increase in litter around town,” said Wake Forest Mayor Vivian Jones. “We are asking all Wake Forest residents to take a renewed pride in our community by properly disposing of their trash and securing their truckloads.”

The “Show Some Love” campaign features a logo and hashtag (#KeepWFclean) that will be used in a range of promotional materials, public service announcements  and on social media. In the coming days, the “Show Some Love” logo will begin appearing on Town employee email signatures and on the side of Town vehicles.

One of the main issues the campaign will tackle is confronting unsecure truckloads. In North Carolina, half of the litter along state highways is blown – not thrown – from uncovered trucks. The Town wants residents to know both private and commercial drivers are responsible for anything that is blown from the uncovered bed of their pickup truck. Penalties for littering include up to a $2,000 fine, community service work and one point on a motorist’s driver license upon conviction.

A variety of campaign initiatives will be announced over the next several weeks. In the meantime, residents are strongly encouraged to do their part to eliminate litter by putting trash in its proper place. And, if you see a friend or family member litter, politely tell them that trash only goes in a recycling bin or trash can.

For more information, including opportunities to join the fight against litter, visit www.wakeforestnc.gov/keep-wf-clean.

