News from the chamber

If you take a survey on the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce you will be entered into a drawing to be rewarded with Chick-fil-A for a year. The chamber wants to know what members need, use and want from the chamber. Go to to find the survey.

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Chamber President Ann Welton says there are 10 spots and two sponsorship left for the Spring Sporting Clays Tournament presented by B&W Hardware Company, on Thursday, March 25, at Rose Hill Estate in Nashville. Sponsorships are available to provide your business with valuable marketing exposure to the players as well as the general community, and player registration is currently open.

Call the chamber to reserve your spot today.

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Don Stroud with Hartsfield & Nash Insurance Agency is now officially on the Hall of Fame monument in front of the chamber office. He was formally recognized during one of last week’s Member Appreciation Events. He was named a chamber Hall of Fame recipient last year, but because of Covid-19 he was unable to be formally recognized until now.

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At the Wake Forest Area Chamber Foundation, Liz Simpers says they are looking forward to the next Youth Leadership Wake Forest. Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 session.

Youth Leadership Wake Forest is a year-long program for high school students who have demonstrated leadership abilities and have interest in learning about our community. Our mission is for participants to assume leadership roles in our schools and to become more involved in out civic, cultural, economic development and philanthropic organizations.

Youth Leadership Wake Forest is a program sponsored by the Wake Forest Chamber Foundation and requires an application, community references and interviews conducted by a selection committee. The class is limited to 40 students. The tuition is $500, and scholarships are available. Call Ms. Simpers at the chamber for more information.
