Wellington Trailer Park to become subdivision

The town’s only trailer park, Wellington, on Wait Avenue, a quiet place with spacious wooded lots, may soon pass into history if property owner George Mackie Jr.’s plan for a subdivision called Quail Crossing is approved by the town in future months.

The application for Quail Crossing and a second subdivision on Wait, Lakestone, have just been received in the Wake Forest Planning Department and are undergoing their initial review.

Mackie owns land on both sides of Wait; to the north is his Mackie Park, an industrial park, and to the south are about 116 acres stretching down to Jones Dairy Road, land that includes the trailer park on the north side.

Wednesday Senior Planner Charlie Yokley said the subdivision would only be south of Wait Avenue with two entrances on Wait, just like the trailer park. A call to Mackie was not returned before press time.

The plan calls for 307 housing units, an unspecified mix of single-family homes and townhouses on the 116 acres, and Yokley said most of the homes would be toward the north side of the property because of streams on the south side.

The property abuts the Bowling Green subdivision and would have one entrance/exit on Jones Dairy Road. The applicant is the J.R. McAdam engineering firm.

Lakestone, 50 single-family lots on 29 acres, would be built on land once owned by Mary Bolus, who, with her husband, owned and operated Bolus Department on South White Street. She donated the land for the town’s reservoir on Smith Creek in the 1960s. The land is still owned by three of her descendants.

The land lies just to the east of the reservoir but because of a ridge next to the reservoir the land drains to the east and south. There would be one connection to Wait Avenue and a stubbed street to property to the east at the back of the subdivision. The land is currently vacant.

Yokley said the planning department tries to keep to a schedule of 90 days between a plan’s submission and the public hearing. He predicts the public hearings for both subdivisions will be held in November or December.

The planning department is also reviewing the building plan Wake Forest Fire Department’s Station #4 on Jenkins Road. Chief Ron Early said this week his department is also finalizing the building plans.

The department is ready to hire the staff for the new station because new fire fighters are required to have six months of training before they are ready for the station. And Early said the department is about to purchase the truck for the new station.
