
September 7, 2024

CROP Walk tops $17,300 in donations

Way to go, Wake Forest and nearby communities!

In the 41st year of Wake Forest CROP Hunger Walks, 17 online-registered teams and over 90 online-registered walkers, together with independent individuals and organized groups from community churches and organizations, made year 2020 our most generous fundraising CROP Hunger Walk event ever with over $17,300 in donations.

Non-profit Church World Service, by way of Community Engagement Managers such as our local manager and encourager, Roberta Macauley, supports over 800 community CROP Walks all around the USA. The mission for CROP Hunger Walks is to raise money for programs to help end hunger and poverty one step at a time, both locally and worldwide.

n Wake Forest, 25 percent of the donations will be shared equally by Tri-Area Ministry Food Pantry and Wake Forest Hope House. The other funds will be used for global outreach to families by Church World Service for programs in the areas of hunger, poverty, water access, trade, human rights, climate change, and peace building.

Tri-Area Ministry’s Food Pantry “provides food and personal hygiene products to our community families in need.” Wake Forest Hope House’s Mission is “To reach the youth and help them improve their life skills, educationally, socially and spiritually.”

The members of the 41st annual Wake Forest CROP Walk planning committee and the team leaders who took the lead on organizing this year’s do-it-yourself small-group walking routes say “We did it! We now celebrate this amazing accomplishment together! Thank you to all who participated in so many ways.” Walk. Donate. Change the World!

Offer your support for Wake Forest CROP Hunger Walk 2021: wakeforestcrophungerwalk@gmail.com.


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