Submit recipes for holiday treats cookbook

It wouldn’t be the holidays without sweet treats. And part of the fun of making those yummy pies, cakes, cookies and puddings is swapping recipes with neighbors and friends.

Between now and Friday, Oct. 23, the Town of Wake Forest is inviting residents to share recipes for up to five of their favorite holiday treats. We’ll include the submissions in an online cookbook everyone can view and download for free. We’ll also choose a selection of recipes Mayor Vivian Jones will prepare as part of a weekly video series in December entitled “Favorite Holiday Treats with Mayor Jones.”

Please note the following submission guidelines:

·         Visit to submit your recipe(s). Please remember to submit no more than five recipes and use standard U.S. baking measurements (tablespoons, teaspoons, cups, etc.).

·         Every entry must contain your name, address, email address and telephone number. If we cannot contact you, your recipe cannot be entered.

·         Review your recipes carefully before sending, or even better, have someone else read them to make sure they are complete. Be sure to include specific ingredients, pan size, temperature and length of cooking time.

·         Do not say “put in oven and cook until done.” Do say “put in 350-degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.” Do not say “put in pan and cook.” Do say “put in medium saucepan over medium heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.”

·         Only give brand names if necessary to the success of the dish, but if purchased ingredients are used, be sure to give package size. For example: Do not say “add one box JELL-O pudding.” Do say “add one 4-oz. box instant pudding mix.”

·         Remember, readers – and possibly Mayor Jones – will be trying to duplicate your dish(es), so make it a pleasant experience for them by making your recipes easy to read and directions easy to follow.

·         Recipes must be submitted no later than midnight Friday, Oct. 23.  Late submissions will not be accepted.

All submitted recipes will be available for viewing and download on the Town website at

