
September 7, 2024

Edgar Allen Poe tales told on Facebook

Although the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre remains closed and in-person events suspended due to COVID-19, the center continues to offer free online visual and performing arts experiences you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.

On Saturday, Oct. 3, from 11-11:45 a.m., Bright Star Touring Theatre, a national professional touring theatre company based in Asheville, NC, will share several of the spooky and clever stories of Edgar Allan Poe via the Renaissance Centre Facebook page. The following day the storytelling performance will be made available on the Renaissance Centre website at www.wakeforestrencen.org/tickets-events/virtual-ren-cen.

No one tells a story quite like the great Edgar Allan Poe! In “A Tell-Tale Tale” several of Poe’s spooky and clever stories and poems, including “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Raven,” and “The Bells,” come to life before your very eyes.

With a mastery of language that few can match, Poe’s stories and poems are as impactful today as they were in the 19th century when they were written. Specifically geared for children in grades 3-8, this show blends rich language with expert storytelling to produce a rich language arts experience.

For more information, call the Renaissance Centre Box Office at 919-435-9458. To learn more about the Renaissance Centre, including our virtual programming, like us on Facebook and sign up for free updates via E-Notifier.



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