
September 7, 2024

Annual awards yes but Christmas Dinner iffy

The Wake Forest Community Council met at noon on Zoom Wednesday, Sept. 9, the first meeting since January.

A discussion about the annual awards nominated by Wake Forest area residents and voted on by the council – the Peggy Allen Lifetime Achievement Award, the Citizen of the Year and the Organization of the Year – made it clear council members wanted to continue to make those awards even if the dinner itself would have to be cancelled this year because of the pandemic.

The deadline for the nominations is Oct. 21 and more information, including a nomination form, will be available in the next couple weeks. Meanwhile people can begin thinking about who they feel should be honored.

The Wake Forest Woman’s Club is sponsoring the Sept. 27 CROP Hunger Walk and also has made available information about the candidates on this year’s ballot at www.votesmart.org, The Voters Self Defense System.

Glenn Day with the Wake Forest Lions Club said members have been transporting dinners from Boston Market in Raleigh to Hope House for Monday meals,

Even with the pandemic, Wake Forest Downtown is planning an event in October, several Ghost Tours through downtown. Sounds ghoulish and fun.

Joe Paulonis with the Wake Forest Rotary Club said the annual oyster roast and steak night will be held, but it will be take-out from The Forks.

Tri-Area Ministry and the community have been working hard to feed more and more people. The food bank fed 750 families in February, 820 in March and there were still 815 families who received 65 pounds of food in August. Many who had never been to a food bank were coming now because of the unemployment and lack of work. People have donated all sorts of food, local community gardens have sent pound after pound of fresh vegetables and those who donate money make it possible for the food bank to include milk, eggs, butter and meat in the bags.

Tri-Area is now open two Saturdays, the second and the third Saturdays of each month in addition to its regular hours Mondays and Wednesdays, all of them from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tri-Area is at 149 East Holding Avenue.

Starting next week there will be a trailer full of food made available by federal funds which will be distributed to Tri-Area and other area food banks.

The Neuse River Hawks have just completed an outdoor project, taking out rocks, boulders, dirt, weeds and small trees to build walkways and flower beds in Holding Park near the aquatic center and a small spring,

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