Scout builds bocce ball court

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department held a special dedication ceremony last week to officially unveil the new bocce ball court at Tyler Run Park, 830 Pineview Drive, and honor the local Boy Scout who made it possible.

On Friday evening the PRCR recognized Scout Jared Blaylock who designed and constructed the bocce ball court to fulfill his Eagle Scout requirements. The wheelchair accessible court is the only one of its kind in Wake County.

The dedication featured remarks by Jared, Mayor Vivian Jones and PRCR Director Ruben Wall. The ceremony also included the unveiling of a sign that identifies the bocce ball court and acknowledges the efforts of Jared and his fellow scouts from Boy Scout Troop 399.

Jared is the son of Rick and Debbie Blaylock. According to Rick, Jared and his fellow scouts spent numerous hours over the course of several weekends designing, building and completing the bocce ball court.

“To complete this project, Jared directed seven major workdays where the scouts from his troop gave up most of their Saturday to help him,” said Rick.

“It was an intense, time-consuming and costly project for him to tackle, but he was fortunate to have the strong commitment of his troop behind him.”

Now, thanks to Jared and the other members of Troop 399, Tyler Run Park’s bocce ball court is ready for use.

For more information about Tyler Run Park, visit or contact PRCR Director Ruben Wall at 919-435-9561 or

From left, PRCR Maintenance Superintendent Jimmy Thrift, Jared Blaylock, Mayor Vivian Jones, PRCR Director Ruben Wall, PRCR Crew Supervisor Randy Hoyle.
From left, PRCR Maintenance Superintendent Jimmy Thrift, Jared Blaylock, Mayor Vivian Jones, PRCR Director Ruben Wall, PRCR Crew Supervisor Randy Hoyle.


