Apply now for a seat on town advisory board

New terms for members of the town’s advisory boards begin in January after appointment in December, and you can apply now for a seat on one or up to three of the boards listed below.

Applications will be accepted through Thursday, Oct. 31, for appointment to the following volunteer commissions:


  • Board of Adjustment
  • Cemetery
  • Cultural Resources
  • Design Review
  • Greenway
  • Historic Preservation
  • Human Relations
  • Planning
  • Public Art
  • Recreation
  • Senior Center
  • Technology
  • Urban Forestry

Residents may apply for up to three advisory boards. Current advisory board members are not required to re-apply. Instead, they should notify Executive Assistant Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467.

Only residents who live in Wake Forest or within its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are eligible to fill seats on the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. Candidates for the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) must reside in the Historic District, in Wake Forest, or within its ETJ. Professionals with historic preservation expertise are especially encouraged to apply for the HPC.

The online application is now available. Anyone without access to a computer is invited to complete the application by using a computer kiosk in the lobby of Town Hall at 301 South Brooks Street. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467.

Candidates will be expected to attend an upcoming meeting of the advisory board(s) to which they applied to introduce themselves to the board’s current members and explain why they wish to serve. To view each advisory board’s interview schedule, visit and click on “2019 Advisory Board Candidates’ Interview Schedule” located along the right margin under “Resources.”

Candidates for the Board of Adjustment, Design Review and Planning Board will be introduced to the Board of Commissioners during the Board’s work session on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 5:30 p.m.

Following the interviews, each advisory board will review its slate of candidates before submitting its recommendations to the Board of Commissioners (BOC). The BOC will announce the advisory board appointments during its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 17. New terms will commence in January 2020.

The selected applicants will volunteer for three-year terms, except where unexpired terms are being filled, and advise the board on a variety of topics relating to the Wake Forest community.

For more information, contact Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467 or

Advisory Boards Overview

2019 Advisory Boards Candidates Interview Schedule

Town Limits & ETJ Map

