
September 7, 2024

Business tax small part of WF budget

The current state budget bill approved by the North Carolina Senate would repeal the ability of towns and cities to impose business taxes, usually done on a sliding scale, beginning on July 1, 2015.

For Wake Forest, the repeal would mean a loss of between $65,250 and $51,590 or more each year, according to Finance Director Aileen Staples. The $65,250 is what is in Town Manager Mark Williams’ budget for 2014-2015. The $51,590 is what the town actually collected in 2013, and Staples believes the town will collect $58,900 in 2014.

Williams’ proposed budget is set at just over $56 million with a 1-cent tax increase to provide staffing and equipment for the Jenkins Road fire station. A penny on the tax rate yields $408,835 to the town.

The proposed budget has four parts: The general fund with proposed revenues/expenses of $37.8 million, Wake Forest Power with revenues and expenditures of $20 million, the Downtown Municipal Service District fund with $90,000, and the new Wake Forest Renaissance Centre fund of $200,000. That last fund was set up as a separate account to help the town keep track of income and expenses for its new performing arts/cultural arts center.

The five town commissioners, Mayor Vivian Jones, Williams and Staples along with other town staff members will hold a work session about the budget next Tuesday, June 10, at 5:30 p.m. in the second floor meeting room in Wake Forest Town Hall on Brooks Street. It is open to the public.

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