Public hearing Tuesday on 2014-15 budget

Town residents will have a chance Tuesday to voice their opinions about Town Manager Mark Williams’ proposed budget for the coming year that includes a 1-cent property tax increase to provide funds for operation of the Wake Forest Fire Department’s Station #4 on Jenkins Road.

The public hearing on the budget is the first item on the town board’s agenda for the meeting Tuesday that begins at 7 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room of town hall.

The increase to cover fire department operations would be the first of two. In 2014-2015 the tax rate under Williams’ budget would be 52 cents per $100 valuation and rise to 53 cents for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The town general fund share is 41 cents. The fire department current receives 10 cents in quarterly payment. That would rise to 11 cents next year, 12 cents the following year.

The fire department will also be asking for town help in constructing the new station. The $1.64 million in the fire protection impact fee fund should more than cover the estimated cost of the station and equipment. The department already has one pumper that can be used at the new station, one acquired when the Falls Fire Department merged with Wake Forest, according to Deputy Town Manager Roe O’Donnell.

The budget is $56.4 million, and Williams called it a “catch your breath” budget focused on core services between two strenuous years financially. During the year just ending, the town took advantage of an unexpected opportunity to purchase the property that is now the Renaissance Centre, our first cultural arts center. Next year, if the voters approve the bond issues for parks, greenways and streets in November, the town will begin building those greenways, park improvements, streets and sidewalks.

There is a longer explanation of the proposed budget in the May 7 issue.

The town board will hold a work session or more than one in the next few weeks and is expected to vote on it during its June meeting.
