
September 7, 2024

An editorial: Hands off our trees!

I am furious. I am way beyond incensed.

Some of our legislators – those people we supposedly elected to protect and enhance our environment, health, education and welfare – took time out from discouraging and driving away teachers to attack our tree ordinances.

The easy explanation is that they were swayed by a presentation by lobbyists for the N.C. Home Builders Association, but such venality cannot be the entire reason.

Do they not enjoy living in their expensive neighborhoods where trees line the streets and create front and back yard refuges for birds? Do they not understand that such wooded paradises would not exist if there was not careful planning – combined with regulations and ordinances backed by enforcement?

Apparently they cannot connect those dots, leading to the conclusion they ignore evidence or are not capable of grasping it.

Please read the list of items the draft legislation approved last week would take from our tree ordinances, then write or call your state legislators and tell them you – and most everyone in Wake Forest – want to keep our trees and our ordinances. Tell them to stop interfering in local government and the decisions its residents and governments agree on.

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3 Responses

  1. Carol, Tell us the name and address where we can send letters to let officials how we feel about this. This is heinous.
    Thanks, Kathleen

  2. For some bittersweet irony…. take a look at the new section cleared at the Austin Creek Subdivision. There are several areas marked “Tree Protection” and every tree was cut down. Sure am glad that the time was taken to mark these areas and the town enforcement is alive and well.

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