
Day: August 14, 2024

New on-call van service replaces buses

Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 1, the Town of Wake Forest will introduce a town-wide microtransit pilot program called “Go Wake Forest.” Microtransit is a ridesharing transit service that operates similarly to

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Update from Tri-Area Food Pantry

As we enter the dog days of August, many of us are longing for cooler weather. Some of our volunteers are already saying they prefer winter—it’s easier to warm up

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9/11 remembered at Senior Center

This September 11th, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., there will be a 9/11 Remembrance Special Event at the Northern Wake Senior Center at 235 E. Holding Avenue, Wake Forest. The

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ComiCon returns to RenCen August 17

Warning: The article in last week’s Gazette was old. This is the 2024 ComiCon article.) Whether you’re a serious collector, or just someone who enjoys the art, characters, and costumed

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UDO Update Open House Sept. 4-5

The Town of Wake Forest will host UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) Comprehensive Update Open House sessions at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St., Wednesday, Sept. 4, from

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Enjoy Concerts in the Park in September

Spend a couple Sunday evenings in September with family and friends at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road, while enjoying some foot-tapping, finger-snapping good times during the 2024 Concerts

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