3 of 4 Capital Blvd. projects not funded
During last week’s work session, Mayor Vivian Jones, the five town commissioners and Town Manager Kip Padgett learned that the North Carolina Department of Transportation had funding for only one of the four planned segments to turn Capital Boulevard into a freeway. That funded segment will transform the current road from I-540 to just north of the Durant Road/Perry Creek intersection into a controlled access 70 mph freeway with six 12-foot lanes for traffic with service roads. Director of Engineering Brandon Jones said DOT will buy the necessary land during 2024 and construction will begin in 2025. During DOT’s presentation, North Carolina Senator Mary Wills Bode was in the front row in the meeting room in the Wake Forest Town Hall. The reason DOT has had to pare back what it can do is the same thing afflicting the town’s electric utility Wake Forest Power: the enormous inflation in the