Holding Park Aquatic Center opens May 27
Holding Park Aquatic Center at 133 West Owen Avenue will open for the season Saturday, May 27, at 9 a.m. Daily admission fees for Wake Forest residents are $1 for children ages 2 and under; $4 for children ages 3-13; and $5 for patrons ages 13-59; and $4 for ages 60 and over. Daily admission fees for non-Wake Forest residents are $2 for children ages 2 and under; $6 for children ages 3-13; and $7 for patrons ages 13-59; and $6 for ages 60 and over. Open swim times are scheduled in three-hour blocks, with 30-minute breaks in between to allow staff to clean and sanitize the facility, including deck chairs, door handles, handrails, and other high-touch areas. A maximum of 200 patrons will be allowed inside the facility during each session. To help ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone, patrons are strongly encouraged to register and pay online in