WF Voting Precinct 19-12 split in two
Just another indication of Wake Forest’s growth: Precinct 19-12 had grown to over 8,000 voters and has been split into two, Precincts 19-22 and Precinct 23. During its regular meeting on May 2, 2023, the five people on the Wake County Board of Elections voted to split Precinct 19-12 into two parts, new Precincts 19-22 and 19-23, with a roughly equal number of voters. Precinct 19-23 is the larger, stretching from the NC 98 Bypass down to the Neuse River in a rough long rectangle bounded on the west by South Main Street and to the east by a small stream called Hatters Bridge Creek., according to a staff member at the Wake elections office or Smith Creek according to a knowledgable election official. All of Holding Village is included. Precinct 19-22 is also bounded by South Main and then by Wait Avenue to the north. It stretches across and