CSX Railroad closes crossings, confusing drivers
CSX Railroad closed three railroad crossings in Wake Forest – Brick Street, Elm Avenue, Holding Avenue and Friendship Chapel – Tuesday morning, January 28, and later closed Rogers Road the same day. Friendship Chapel Road was closed on Wednesday morning. The result was baffled drivers looking for ways to cross the rail line. The Town of Wake Forest had tried to prepare residents, but those who did not receive messages from the town or have a means of local news were left blaming the town, as were those who travel to or through Wake Forest from elsewhere. The Town of Wake Forest provided maps and alternatives on its website, www.wakeforestnc.gov, by clicking on “csx-track-repairs” on the first page under Common Resources. The alternatives include the Underpass, using the NC 98 Bypass and South Franklin Street, and, from the east, using Traditions Grande Avenue and Wait Avenue. The long lines, the