‘Rocket League’ tourney set for April 24
The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department will host an online esports gaming tournament featuring “Rocket League” on Saturday, April 24. Open to players ages 10 and older, the “Battle in the Forest” will be played online and live streamed on Twitch.tv. Registration is underway through Wednesday, April 22, at https://wakeforestnc.recdesk.com/Community/Home. The cost is $5 per player. Teams comprised of three players each will compete in what is scheduled to be a single-day tournament to be run in conjunction with “Bull City Gaming.” In the event more than 32 teams register, the tournament will expand to two days with the qualifying rounds taking place on April 24 and the top eight teams battling it out in the finals on Sunday, April 25. As an added incentive, the winning team may represent the Town of Wake Forest in the BODYARMOR State Games esports tournament. Considered one of the top esports games in the