2020 Census = $$$ and power

Since 1790 – 230 years and counting – the U.S. Census has told Americans about ourselves – who and where we are – as well as informed critical decisions about our lives. These days information from the Census is used to decide how many congressmen are apportioned to each state, and North Carolina is almost certainly going to gain another seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding are sent to states and communities each year, money that helps support health clinics, fire departments, schools, roads and highways. That’s the money and the power. If you want full representation in Congress; if you want every penny the state is due for school lunches, colleges, early childhood learning programs, libraries, employment and training and medical care, then you must respond to the Census now. We need as close to 100 percent

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How to join the April 21 virtual town board meeting

In accordance with Wake County’s Stay-at-Home Order, the Board of Commissioners (BOC) meeting on Tuesday, April 21, at 7 p.m. will be conducted virtually and not open to on-site visitors. he virtual meeting will allow the Board to conduct the important business of government while protecting the health and safety of the Commissioners, the public and Town staff. The only individuals expected to be physically in attendance are the Mayor and Commissioners, the Town Manager, Town Clerk and Town Attorney. All will be seated in a manner that ensures proper social and physical distancing. The April 21 meeting agenda will be available online at https://bit.ly/TOWFPublicMeetingPortal no later than 5 p.m. Thursday, April 16. The BOC is providing two opportunities for public comment: 1) by submitting written comment and 2) by calling into the meeting to provide oral testimony. Anyone wishing to provide public comment virtually (written or orally) must complete and submit

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Update on town operations, services, events

The Town of Wake Forest remains under a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the Town has implemented several changes to ensure social and physical distance and limit exposure, while maintaining essential services. Provided below is an update on Town operations, services and events. A complete listing of Town cancellations, postponements and closures is provided atwww.wakeforestnc.gov/covid-19-coronavirus/alerts-closures. Closings The Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 South Brooks Street, and all other staffed facilities, including Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources-maintained facilities, remain closed to the public until further notice. Although Wake Forest’s facilities are closed, the work of the Town continues uninterrupted through the COVID-19 response. Wake Forest residents can access the Town’s full array of online resources through the Customer Service Central (CSC) portal located at www.wakeforestnc.gov/customer-service-central. In addition, residents may drop off utility bill payments, rental deposits and paperwork (leases, letters

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Feeding Wake Forest and more

This information is provided by George Shaw Summary o Bottlenecks and changes in the supply chain for food are impacting not only our personal shopping but also our farmers and pantries. o Food banks and pantries nationally are facing a “perfect storm” of declining supplies of food and volunteers while demand is increasing rapidly. o Pantries and distribution programs locally are facing similar issues but the response from the Wake Forest community has been very strong in terms of donations and new programs. o Economic recovery including reduction in unemployment is likely to be a longer term process.  This means that the pressures on our pantries and food distribution programs are likely to continue for a significant period of time. o Our local pantries and feeding programs still need support.  Probably the most cost effective way is to donate money directly to these organizations so that they can purchase supplies at area food

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Raleigh lowers water bills

With the coronavirus forcing many people to remain at home for the foreseeable future, Raleigh wants to lower the water bills for families who are using more water than normal. “I expect that many customers could double their use, depending on how many are in the household and whether the adults are teleworking from home,” said Robert Massengill, director of Raleigh’s Public Utilities, now called Raleigh Water. That increased water use will push many families into the highest and most expensive water bill tier, he said. The Raleigh City Council voted Tuesday to increase the cap for entering the highest tier starting in April and continuing until after the Wake County’s state of emergency order is lifted. Water bills are measured in CCFs or 100 cubic feet of water. One CCF is 748 gallons of water. Residential customers normally moved into the third tier after using 11 or more CCFs.

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Support WF area businesses, employees

WF Chamber Foundation wants to raise $50,000 The Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the 501(c)(3) arm of the chamber, is trying to raise $50,000 to help support as many Wake Forest Chamber member businesses as possible. The chamber is asking that members share information about this effort with your social media networks so it can reach as many small businesses and do as much good for this community as possible. To donate online, go to the new Foundation website – https://wakeforestchamberfoundation.org – where on the first page you will find a button to donate now. Businesses are invited to apply for up to $5,000 in relief. They must be chamber members and can apply by completing this application, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XPSGVSF. Applications are due by April 15 and will be reviewed by a committee.  

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BBB says stimulus payments trigger scams

The IRS announced this week that relief stimulus payments have begun to be distributed and Americans can start expecting to see them in their bank accounts soon. In line with the distribution, BBB has seen reports on BBB Scam Tracker (BBB.org/ScamTracker) about government impostors calling about the checks. Watch out for these phony government grants that ask for personal and banking information. It is important to note that according to the IRS, payments are automatic for most taxpayers and that no further action is needed by taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 and 2019 and most seniors and retirees. If consumers did not opt for direct deposit in the past or are curious about other tools such as the learning when they can expect their money, BBB encourages them to visit irs.gov/coronavirus for more information. How the Scam Works: You receive a message or see a social media post regarding the

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Take-out and delivery restaurants and bars

As the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to change at an alarming pace, the impact on local food and beverage establishments has been especially profound. On Tuesday, NC Gov. Roy Cooper mandated that all restaurants and bars close to the public in an attempt to slow the spread of the disease. The Town of Wake Forest is committed to helping local establishments during this difficult time. To that end, the Town has created a “Support our Local Restaurants” portal on its website. Located at http://bit.ly/SupportOurRestaurants, the site lists local food and beverage establishments that will continue providing takeout and delivery service. Owners of local food and beverage establishments are invited to have their business listed on the site by completing the online submission form at http://bit.ly/SupportOurRestaurants. The form allows restaurant owners to indicate whether they will provide take out, delivery, curbside delivery and/or online ordering, along with fields to their establishment’s telephone

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Senior Center this week

Dear Northern Wake Senior Center Members, advisory board, supporters, and friends: We are still here with plenty for you to do to keep busy, happy and healthy! As promised since March 15, we have been providing many of our traditional onsite programs through virtual platforms.  It is our intention to continue to do so and build a library of information with timeless accessibility for you through technology. Yes, as with generations throughout history, it seems that growth occurs as a result of creative ideas necessitated by tragic situations.  Raymond Linquist so eloquently stated, “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. Now is a great time for all of us to have the courage and desire to change numerous thouWghts, habits, and rituals regardless of our age. Yes we may have to learn how to do things differently but remember cognitive training is advised in later life. For

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