Feeding Wake Forest
The following is a list of how organizations and individuals are working to assure people in and near Wake Forest have food on their table or have a place to get a meal. ** Saturday, Jan. 25, and every fourth Saturday, Feed the Community Food Distribution, sponsored by the Northeast Community Coalition and Tri-Area Ministry, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Spring Street Christian Church, 320 East Spring Street, Wake Forest. You must bring proof you live in Wake County. You can give signed permission for someone else to pick up food for you. If you are unable to get to the church, call Tee Caudle at 919-271-1275 to be registered in advance. ** Wake Forest Baptist Church and the InterFaith Food Shuttle offer a Monthly Mobile Market, distributing groceries, including lots of fresh produce, on the third Tuesday of the month from 4:30 p.m. until all the food is