Can we get more jobs in Wake Forest?
(This is the fifth week of questions to the town board candidates about local issues.) Some of these questions come from Grif Bond, a planning board member. ** What is your plan to boost economic development to improve local employment in industry, manufacturing or higher-paying non-retail businesses? He notes that about 90 percent of the employed people who live in Wake Forest commute to Raleigh, Durham, RTP or other locations. Local employment would lessen traffic congestion. ** How will you manage the tax rate, now 52 cents with 11 cents dedicated to the independent Wake Forest Fire Department and 41 cents covering governmental operations? The 41 cents also includes weekly garbage and recycling pickup so there are no charges to individual homeowners, unlike most other local municipalities. Comparisons with other municipalities are not useful because they have different tax bases (usually more industry) and do not include garbage and recycling