Community organizes to feed children
Twelve Wake Forest groups – churches, civic groups and the police department – have each organized up to 10 volunteers to serve breakfast and dinner for an estimated 80 youngsters, teens and children from 1 to 18, for 10 weeks during the summer vacation for Wake County’s traditional-calendar schools. There was an organizing meeting on Thursday, May 25, at Olive Branch Baptist Church on East Juniper Avenue where the two meals will be served. Joy Schillingsburg, the youth director at St. John’s Episcopal Church is the coordinator and spoke along with Olive Branch Pastor Damen Rawlinson and Vielka Maria Gabriel with Wake County Human Services. It is a part of the county’s summer nutrition program, and the food is provided by the North Carolina Food Bank in Raleigh. This is the first time there has been an open site in Wake Forest for the meal program, the Wake County Summer