Another round of Tar Heel weather
We have had five days and nights of what might be called typical North Carolina weather. The forecast snowfall of 4 to 6 inches in reality was rain Friday night followed by sleet followed by 2 to 3 inches of snow, depending on your location, Saturday morning. This will be followed on Thursday with temperatures in the 70s. Mike Barton, the town’s director of public works, described Wednesday how the men and women in the street department and Wake Forest Power coped with a difficult situation. “We got started at around 11 on Saturday morning and worked until 7 that night. We had a crew in overnight to take care of issues called in by Police Department since temps were so low. Came back in around 10:30 on Sunday and until last night we were working 24/7 out sanding/salting and plowing what we could. “As you said, ice is a