Board says no to townhouse project help
Tuesday night the Wake Forest commissioners faced a request to waive $249,496 in development fees requested by the development firm of Stanley Martin because it faces higher than usual costs in building The Retreat at Renaissance, a plan for 85 townhouses in the downtown area, because of contaminants below ground level. The plan is to build impermeable barriers between the ground and the buildings in accord with a brown-field agreement with the State of North Carolina. There was a lively discussion with Mayor Vivian Jones, Planning Director Chip Russell, and Commissioners Greg Harrington and Brian Pate urging approval while Commissioners Anne Reeve, Margaret Stinnett and Jim Thompson saying the town could not afford it. There was little explanation at the meeting about the plume of contaminants or any background for the project and its history. The townhouse project was approved by the town in 2013 and is planned to stretch