Pleas for golf carts
During Tuesday night’s Wake Forest Town Board meeting, three men who live in Traditions asked the commissioners to do away with the town’s ban on golf carts on town streets. Chad Casale, who was a candidate for the town board last year, said he uses a golf cart to transport his disabled son to the pool and other places in the Traditions subdivision. He came armed with accident reports involving other vehicles and golf carts. In all of North Carolina from Jan. 1, 2010 through Feb. 29, 2016 there were 92 crashes involving golf carts and two fatalities. For the same time period in the state the vehicle crashes totaled 1,536,440 with 7,949 fatalities. Looking at just Wake County over the five years there were 12 crashes involving golf carts and one fatality, which was in a rural area of the county. There were 177,010 Wake County vehicle accidents with