More ways to defraud elders
According to a survey by True Link Financial, older Americans are criminally defrauded of $12.76 billion annually. This includes identity theft and all those crazy scams you hear about but smugly think will never work on you. Do you consider yourself friendly? Thrifty? Financially sophisticated? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then according to that same survey you are more likely to be defrauded because you may give strangers the benefit of the doubt, are more enticed by bargains and are comfortable moving larger amounts of money around. The next scam victim could be you. Here’s what to watch out for in the new year and, most important, how to protect yourself. How Scammers Find You Ever wonder how scammers get your phone number, address or email? Is it random or is there science to the targeting? Experts say it’s both. AARP Fraud Watch Network Ambassador Frank W.