Board hears park, tree plans
Ruben Wall, head of Wake Forest’s parks, recreation and cultural resources department, and Jennifer Rall, who heads the town’s urban forest, were the highlights of the Wake Forest Town Board’s work session on Feb. 2. Wall presented the draft strategic plan to implement the department’s new master plan. He emphasized how quickly conditions change. The town had never heard of pickle ball two years ago and now has 27 pickle ball courts. He introduced Lisa Jacobs, the new part-time special events coordinator, who will manage the new Music in Miller, a noon lunch break downtown, as well as a 5K race in April at Joyner Park and a new dog fair. Wall said it will take $45 to $55 million to achieve what is in the master plan, but there will be a yearly check with the town board. Part of the new cost is $500,000 a year to staff